

American, born in 1941

Born in 1941 in Indiana, USA, Bruce Nauman is a minimalist artist whose work, mainly video, is crucial to art history and contemporary creation. His work is very quickly anchored in two main directions: on the one hand, the often minimalist staging of the body and, on the other hand, a constantly renewed questioning of the philosophical and political issues of artistic practice.

Bruce Nauman does not simply produce works: he produces, with them, a sum of important questions about the meaning that can be given to artistic activity. From his films and sculptures around the body and its movements in the 1960s to his use in the 1980s of the neon spiral that he associates with violent and provocative situations, to the repetition of simple gestures or phrases leading to the destructuring of language. Bruce Nauman's work "fundamentally stems from the anger that the human condition provokes in [him]".

The works of the artist held by the Pinault Collection were first shown in the 2006 « Where Are We Going? » exhibition at the Palazzo Grassi in Venice.