

Algerian, born in 1978

The visual artist, photographer and videographer Mohamed Bourouissa builds through his practice the story of marginalized urban societies by carefully restoring collective practices. From the intimate scenes of the suburbs of La Courneuve, Pantin or Argenteuil to the young African-American riders of Philadelphia, the visual universe that he brings together constantly demonstrates his interest in the neglected people as well as the processes of integration and exclusion at work in our contemporary societies.

With renewed forms, Bourouissa multiplies the images, composed or stolen, referring to the masters of painting and photography, and which appear as so many fragments of a complex socio-economic reality. The human dimension always occupies a central place, implying the Algerian artist to invest himself in the long term with his subjects, with whom he sometimes communicates even in the entrenchments of the prison world.

The work of Mohamed Bourouissa in the Pinault Collection was shown for the first time in 2013 during the exhibition "À Triple tour ”at the Conciergerie in Paris.

Mohamed Bourouissa's artwork