Mann im Wind III
Cast patinated bronze
345,4 × 134 cm
This monumental sculpture is part of a set of three variations, Mann im Wind III (Man in the Wind). Its stature is arresting. In contrast to this impressive mass, the youthfulness and fragility of the expression of the colossus, whose feet are stuck in the bronze, is both surprising and disconcerting. Struggling against the wind, moving but without momentum, this is the figure of a forever powerless hero, of a frozen human condition, condemned to passivity, but still filled with desire. The artist has explored this motif of man standing up to the elements since 1982.
An unclassifiable artist, Thomas Schütte has always followed the advice Gerhard Richter gave him when he was a student: find your own way by creating a repertoire, not a style. Schütte has often said that it was “not an easy path, but it was the right path for him.”
This sculpture was presented by the Pinault Collection in the "Ouverture" exhibition at the Bourse de Commerce in 2021.