Jerzy Ryszard

Jerzy Ryszard

Polish, 1943-1980

Jerzy Ryszard “Jurry” Zielinski studied sculpture and painting at the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts. As an active opponent of the communist authorities in Poland, Zielinski’s subject matter is rooted in the social reality of Poland as an ally of the USSR. His artistic vocabulary combines the influences of the Polish Poster School with those of American Pop Art. Zielinski’s use of flat surfaces and simplified shapes in bright poster-like colours stands in sharp contrast to the academic post-impressionistic painting taught across polish academies at the time. In 1967 Zielinski founded the Neo-Neo-Neo collaborative project with fellow artist Jan “Dobson” Dobkowski. Neo-Neo-Neo was created a year prior to the major political crisis that broke out after student protests were suppressed, when it sought to “present the world’s problems, without excluding anyone”, as stated in the 1969 manifesto. Neo-Neo-Neo’s projects are multidisciplinary, including protest poetry and performative displays.