Film colour loop
29min. 51sec.
Three dogs behind a fence jump and bark for several minutes. In Hunde, Peter Fischli and David Weiss show their search for beauty and humour in the simplest moments.
The video belongs to a series featuring pets. By dissecting the most ordinary, mundane moments, Fischli and Weiss prompt viewers to find meaning and interest where they seldom exist. Hunde, for example, is a drama about isolation, frustration and fighting loneliness.
The video by Peter Fischli and David Weiss was presented for the first time by the Pinault Collection during the 2008 “Passage du temps” (“Passage of Time”) show at the Tri Postal in Lille.
The video belongs to a series featuring pets. By dissecting the most ordinary, mundane moments, Fischli and Weiss prompt viewers to find meaning and interest where they seldom exist. Hunde, for example, is a drama about isolation, frustration and fighting loneliness.
The video by Peter Fischli and David Weiss was presented for the first time by the Pinault Collection during the 2008 “Passage du temps” (“Passage of Time”) show at the Tri Postal in Lille.