The Young Aeolus-Thor


Produced in 2015, The Young Aeolus-Thor is part of a series of canvases painted between 2011 and 2015 and presented in the Teatrino of Palazzo Grassi in 2015. This ensemble of works is in the very particular style of Jia Aili, representing this apocalyptic universe in which the forces of nature are unleashed, alluding to the ancient Western superstitions that inspired the creation of deities such as Thor and Zeus to explain their mysteries. 

In this painting, natural forces are all the more astonishing as they are visible. A lightning bolt seems to shoot out from the central figure, electrifying the whole canvas with a particular energy. There is a perfect balance between the rapid movements of the brush, used to capture the transience of forms or natural phenomena in motion, and the details meticulously observed in other parts of the canvas.

Jia Aili's other artwork