Tronche / Moon face (Paris, May 2014)
Polished concrete, blue blanket
26 × 18 × 22 cm (10 1/4 × 7 1/16 × 8 11/16 in.)
A solid, polished concrete puddle on the floor rests on a blue cover. Closer up, a monstrous or caricatured face takes shape. Tronche/Moon Face (Paris, May 2014) by Jean-Luc Moulène evokes death masks, guillotined heads and museum storerooms. He humorously, ironically plays with the ugliness and plural identity of this post-humanist face.
Tronche/Moon Face belongs to a group of 24 pieces Moulène made by pouring concrete into the cavities of silicone masks. Filled to the point of testing the concrete’s strength, the mask falls to the ground if the balance is broken, flattening the face. These ghostly heads run counter to the manipulations and seductions of artistic representation.
Tronche/Moon Face (Paris, May 2014) was shown for the first time by the Pinault Collection during the 2015 exhibition "Slip of the Tongue" at the Punta della Dogana.
Tronche/Moon Face belongs to a group of 24 pieces Moulène made by pouring concrete into the cavities of silicone masks. Filled to the point of testing the concrete’s strength, the mask falls to the ground if the balance is broken, flattening the face. These ghostly heads run counter to the manipulations and seductions of artistic representation.
Tronche/Moon Face (Paris, May 2014) was shown for the first time by the Pinault Collection during the 2015 exhibition "Slip of the Tongue" at the Punta della Dogana.

Jean-Luc MOULÈNE © Adagp, Paris.
Courtesy the artist and Miguel Abreu Gallery, New York
Photo: Jeffrey Sturges