35mm original film
13min. 42sec.
In 2008, Iranian photographer and videomaker Shirin Neshat made Faezeh, a short, tragic film about a Muslim woman who is devastated by rape, destroying all her hopes and gradually leading her to madness.
Faezeh belongs to a series of five videos that Neshat made based on the novel Women without Men. Written by Iranian author Shahrnush Parsipur, the book is about five women's lives in Iran in 1953, when a CIA-backed coup brought the Shah's family back to power. The video Faezeh is characteristic of work by Neshat, who is interested in the identity of women in Muslim societies.
Faezeh, which is in the Pinault Collection, was shown during the 2009 exhibition "Un certain état du monde ?" (“A Certain State of the World?”) at the Garage Center for Contemporary Culture in Moscow.
Faezeh belongs to a series of five videos that Neshat made based on the novel Women without Men. Written by Iranian author Shahrnush Parsipur, the book is about five women's lives in Iran in 1953, when a CIA-backed coup brought the Shah's family back to power. The video Faezeh is characteristic of work by Neshat, who is interested in the identity of women in Muslim societies.
Faezeh, which is in the Pinault Collection, was shown during the 2009 exhibition "Un certain état du monde ?" (“A Certain State of the World?”) at the Garage Center for Contemporary Culture in Moscow.

© Shirin Neshat
Courtesy Galerie Jérôme de Noirmont, Paris
Detail: video-still

© Shirin Neshat
Courtesy Galerie Jérôme de Noirmont, Paris
Detail: video-still

© Shirin Neshat
Courtesy Galerie Jérôme de Noirmont, Paris
Detail: video-still

© Shirin Neshat
Courtesy Galerie Jérôme de Noirmont, Paris

© Shirin Neshat