Senza titolo (Materassi)
6 mattresses, icing structure, transformers
Variable dimensions
A series of six apparently heavy mattresses held up straight by thin supports are linked by what appears to be white ropes. The links appear to be refrigeration tubes that, connecting one mattress to the next, transform the fabric into an icy surface. Usually evoking comfort and warmth, the mattress, now vertical and cold, becomes uninviting.
At the end of the 1960s, Pier Paolo Calzolari develops assemblages of unconventional materials such as metals, plants, salt or ice. Fascinated by change and perishability, he becomes interested in the transformations of matter under the effect of time and chemical procedures, as in Senza titolo (Materassi).
The installation Senza titolo (Materassi) by Pier Paolo Calzolari was first presented by the Pinault Collection at the “Accrochage” (“Hanging”) exhibition at the Punta della Dogana in Venice.
At the end of the 1960s, Pier Paolo Calzolari develops assemblages of unconventional materials such as metals, plants, salt or ice. Fascinated by change and perishability, he becomes interested in the transformations of matter under the effect of time and chemical procedures, as in Senza titolo (Materassi).
The installation Senza titolo (Materassi) by Pier Paolo Calzolari was first presented by the Pinault Collection at the “Accrochage” (“Hanging”) exhibition at the Punta della Dogana in Venice.