R.S.V.P. Winter 1976


Nylon, mesh, bicycle tire, string

91.4 x 66 x 26.1 cm (36 x 26 x 10 1/4 in.)

Two brown and beige nylon stockings compose a quasi-symmetrical assemblage on a folded bicycle tire. Here, stockings, Senga Nengudi's favourite material, are sometimes taut, sometimes loose and flowing. They are a metaphor for the transformation of body and mind and the human body's suppleness.

Hoping to transmit the energy of African and Japanese ritual dance through performance, Nengudi fosters dialogue between her work and the viewer. As its title suggests, R.S.V.P. Winter 1976 asserts movement and interaction. Sometimes the artist's works even call for outright viewer participation. 

Nengudi's R.S.V.P. Winter 1976 is being presented for the first time by the Pinault Collection during the “Untitled, 2020” show at the Punta della Dogana in Venice (2020).
