A Needle Woman
Video installation with 4 video projections performed and filmed at Tokyo, Shanghai, Delhi, New York
Video (each): 6min. 30sec.
A Needle Woman is an enigmatic, disturbingly strange video performance by Kimsooja. The Korean artist performs in Shanghai, New Delhi, Tokyo and New York. Wearing a long grey dress and her hair in a long straight braid, she films herself from behind, motionless, amidst the city's crowds.
A Needle Woman conveys a paradoxical image. Kimsooja is immersed in urban space but remains still while everything around her moves. She anonymously asserts her presence through her attire, thereby questioning the relationship between the individual and its social context. The viewer is also one with the crowd by identifying with Kimsooja and is invited to various cities.
This filmed performance was first shown by the Pinault Collection during the 2008 exhibition “Passage du Temps” (“Passage of Time”) at the Tri Postal in Lille.