Invisible Sun (algorithm 1)
Ink and Acrylic on Black Canvas
304.8 x 426.7 cm (120 x 168 in.)
On an immense canvas, projections of acrylic paint and ink create a web of abstract and frenetic signs. The pictorial and graphic surface of Invisible Sun (algorithm 1) is the fruit of a creative process brought to maturity by plastic artist of Ethiopian origin Julie Mehretu. With this effect of saturation, the artist strives to evoke the density of modern cities, starting with New York where she lives.
The artist says her works are “story maps of no location.” Utopias, fantasized realities of bidimensional urbanisms that blend into the black and gray grid of superimposed motifs, intended as a series of layers in the scale of the canvas.
Held in the Pinault Collection, Invisible Sun (algorithm 1) was presented in the group show À Triple tour. Collection Pinault (“triple locked”) at the Paris Conciergerie, in 2013.