Display #27 - Barn Wall


Wood wall with hog pen siding and pail of milk

315.6 x 643.3 x 76.2 cm (124 1/4 x 253 1/4 x 30 in.)

The wood wall pierced with two doors evokes the décor of a theatrical performance whose action would develop around a barn. This human scale device stimulates the curiosity: who hides behind these wood panels? The small door reveals to the viewer an empty milk pail, placed in a narrow, enclosed space; upon opening the other, there is a void. This point of view confirms the artificial dimension of the wall that turns out to be a structure with a bare and fragile frame.

Used to the devices of exhibition he designs himself, Haim Steinbach takes a step back in Display #27 - Barn Wall, where it is no longer a question of revealing but also of concealing. In it, he develops his work of deconstruction of the institutional contexts predetermining our movements and sociocultural norms on the placement of objects.

The installation Display #27 - Barn Wall by Haim Steinbach was first shown by the Pinault Collection at the 2016 “Accrochage” ("Hanging") exhibition at the Punta della Dogana.