

Nine hand-dyed gelatin silver prints with silver leaf

Overall dimensions: 181.5 × 151.5 cm (71 7/16 × 59 5/8 in.)

Cry is a grandiose, bewitching vision featuring the British artist couple Gilbert & George. In a red suit and tie contrasting with his green shirt, George stands next to Gilbert's green face with red circles. Gilbert’s bright blue lips surrounding - or about to devour - George's head occupy the centre of the composition.

Cry has all the earmarks of the artists’ vocabulary. This monumental photomontage features bright, skilfully contrasted colours, a grid resembling the frame of a stained glass window and bold, polysemic staging. Light seeming to come from behind endows the work with a cryptic yet accessible spiritual and religious dimension.

Cry was presented for the first time by the Pinault Collection during the 2008 “Passage du temps” (“Passage of Time”) show at the Tri Postal in Lille.