Eye Network News


Oil on linen

282 x 400 x 5 cm (111 x 157 1/2 in.)

In front of a hydroelectric dam, a journalist, dazzled by the bright light of a projector, is getting ready to interview a man in a suit, who looks at her with an air of impatience. Behind them is a parked car with a man waiting in the back. You can just make out a hand on the steering wheel. To the right, a cameraman is concentrating on filming the scene.

The scene reinforces the viewer’s feeling of uncertainty, similar to that of the figures in the painting. It is difficult to remain a simple witness when looking at this painting. The look on the young woman’s face and the artificial lights suggest she is waiting for instructions from the film crew. Eye Network News is one of the frozen, suspended images, carefully staged in advance by Jonathan Wateridge in his London studio, where he develops these intricately detailed sets.

The painting Eye Network News (2009), part of the Pinault Collection, was presented at the Palazzo Grassi at the "Le Monde vous appartient" (“The World Belongs to You”) exhibition (2011-2012).
Jonathan Wateridge's other artwork