Video Installation
Video 1: Patricia Hill/Sharon Stone: 1min. Video 2: Patrick Hill/Bernard-Henri Levy: 1min.
In the short film ‘Democrazy’, two promotional videos for fictitious presidential campaigns are juxtaposed. It features the actor Sharon Stone and French intellectual Bernard Henri-Lévy as the Republican and Democrat candidates Patricia Hill and Patrick Hill.
Francesco Vezzoli examines strategies for political communication, satirising American politics as a series of ironically idyllic visions of the future. The montage ends on an equally caustic note, the candidates have almost identical names: what is the value of the slogan-stuffed speeches and competitive promises of two people who can’t even be differentiated by name?
Part of the Pinault Collection, this work was first presented at the Palazzo Grassi at the "Le Monde vous appartient" (“The World Belongs to You”) exhibition (2011-2012).
Francesco Vezzoli examines strategies for political communication, satirising American politics as a series of ironically idyllic visions of the future. The montage ends on an equally caustic note, the candidates have almost identical names: what is the value of the slogan-stuffed speeches and competitive promises of two people who can’t even be differentiated by name?
Part of the Pinault Collection, this work was first presented at the Palazzo Grassi at the "Le Monde vous appartient" (“The World Belongs to You”) exhibition (2011-2012).

© Francesco Vezzoli
Courtesy Gagosian Gallery
©Francesco Vezzoli
Photo: Matthias Vriens

© Francesco Vezzoli
Exhibition view (simulation), Le Monde Vous Appartient, Venice, Palazzo Grassi, June 2 2011 - February 21 2012.